Sunday, October 30, 2005


When all lights go off
the Self's light is awake,
when utter darkness prevails,
the lamp of self never fails.
Amidst lightning flash
wheel of fire whirling,
in golden letters effulging
the divine commandments.
The rule of right,
the kingdom of truth,
the dawn of peace shall come
when everyone joins the ministry of love.
All revelations
flow from world's travails,
all crescents and crosses.
Lotussed cross,
the key to life divine,
the arc of grace.
the heroic bringers of light
from the tyranny of soul-killing might.
Truth on cross hanging,
Yet the felicity of it you will know
through crucifixion and resurrection.
Deathless is my spirit
by no fire singed,
no water wetted,
no wind dried,
no weapon slain.
I am Self
knowing all,
seeing all,
beyond words,
unfathomable, unbounded, forever free.
Racing heavens ever attuned,
heart-throb of galactic glens
where lord-borne cattles go grazing,
I am the wombing void.
In my musical scale many a near and distant sun,
in benighted chaos
orchestrate the musical band
on eternity's symphonic scale.
My live orchestra is hidden
in dense forests of stars
in frenzied flight of flaming skies
in giddied motion of whirling galaxies.
I am fire of life in ashen gloom,
the symphonic song of spheres,
the aching mystery of black holes,
the timeless void of creativity.
Reverberating the galaxied resonance
of serenading heavens--
countless earths, star systems and suns,
in gloried splendor I forever dwell.
Freed from tearing travails
my soul takes wings
and soars to celestial heights
where silence rings and sings.
None there to disturb my sleep,
enchanting the silence deep,
reflecting on what liberates
I raise a stair to the ultimate.
A whisper from infinite:
"I shall come again
to hew a heaven on earth
dear me! keep aloft your spirit
let it be not put out."
"I am not alone
many others before me
in different tongues have sung
of family of one earth.
My mission,
to sow seeds of this timeless truth
on the earth entire
to awaken the new dawn of spring.

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